Thursday, April 18, 2013

12.3 Dennis Hwang

On Christmas day, you might see candy canes, baubles and ribbons on the Google logo. On Halloween, it might be pumpkins or ghosts.  These are unique designs called Google doodles which mark special occasions. Korean graphic artist, Dennis Hwang, is the creative genius behind them. We spoke to Dennis about his art.

How do you come up with ideas? 
We do a lot of brainstorming and search through lots of images on the Internet to get good ideas. We try to make a design that is fun and interacts with the shape of the Google letters.

How long does it take to create a doodle?
It depends on the type of event. We might spend days planning a doodle for an upcoming holiday. But, for an important news event, we can create one in just a few hours.

How do you decide which days to celebrate?
We look at the special days in different countries across the world. If theres an occasion that fits with the Google brand, we celebrate it.

Do you get ideas from Google users?
Yes, we get lots of useful feedback. We love to hear from users because their ideas are so creative.

What’s the hardest thing about your job?
Its finding something fresh and innovative. Although that can be difficult, it also makes the work exciting and challenging. Thats why I love it.

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