One famous example is Napoleon’s invasion of Russia.
At the time, many people thought he was going to conquer all of Europe. But he
sent his armies into Russia during the winter, and they were defeated because
of the severe cold. Nikolai I, Russia’s emperor at the
time, said that his country’s two best generals were “General January” and “General
Weather also played a big part in the U.S. presidential election of 1948.
In this race, Dewey was expected to win. However, on the day of the election,
there was heavy wind and rain in northern California, where many of Dewey’s supporters lived. Because of this, turnout in the region was
low, and Truman was elected president instead of Dewey.
Of course, weather was not the only reason why these events happened. But
history might have been different if the weather had been better.
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