First, hold eye contact a second or two longer than you normally would. By
doing this, your eyes show that you are interested in the other person. Second,
your arms shouldn’t be crossed and your shoulders should
be relaxed. This shows the other person that you are not defensive. Rather, you
are open and friendly. Third, remember that people who appear calm and
confident are more likely to make a good impression on others. Therefore, avoid
looking nervous or uncomfortable. Check any bad habits that you might have,
such as playing with your hair, biting your nails, etc. and try not to do them.
Finally, while it’s true that others cannot read your
mind, they can read your feelings; so fake smiles are never a good idea. People
can quickly tell the difference between true and false smiles. So before you
walk up to someone new, put a real smile on your face!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
6.5 Meeting Someone New
6.4 Miss Advice
Dear Miss Advice,
I have a friend who sticks to me like glue! She never leaves me alone. She texts
me several times a day and keeps asking me what I’m doing.
If I tell her my plans, she turns up wherever I go. I don’t
want to be mean to her, but I hate this situation. It’s
very annoying! What should I do?
From Lynne
Dear Lynne,
Take a deep breath, Lynne. You need to give yourself some breathing room.
But it doesn’t mean that you have to end your friendship.
Just tell your friend how you feel. Honesty is the best policy. Start by
telling her how important her friendship is. Then, explain that you sometimes
need time alone.
Another idea is to encourage your friend to find new hobbies of her own.
Suggest that she join a club or do activities that she is interested in but you
are not. Then you can do your own things while she is enjoying something else.
Oh, and one more thing: Do not feel too sorry for her. Your friend might
get upset at first if you limit time with her. But after a while, she’ll probably understand. In the end, it might even make your
friendship stronger!
From Miss Advice
6.3 Proustian memory
The power of Proustian memory has been proven by a scientific experiment.
A researcher, Dr. Hertz, showed subjects some pictures with different scents.
Later, he only allowed them to smell the scents. After smelling them, the
subjects were better able to remember the pictures than when they were given
nothing to smell.
Dr. Hertz conducted his experiment using hearing and touch, in addition to
smell. These senses, however, did not produce the same results. This suggests
that sense of smell must be linked to the part of the brain that controls
6.2 Harp to heal animals
Maybe you’ve heard that music helps people recover
from illness. Now a young harpist is using music to heal animals! Alianna
Boone, from Oregon, USA, plays her harp for sick pets.
6.1 Stendhal’s Syndrome
The syndrome is named after a French writer called Stendhal who was
overwhelmed when he visited Florence in 1817. The city was so rich in art and
history that he couldn’t control his emotions. Later, he
wrote about his feelings in a book: “Everything spoke so vividly
to my soul. I walked with the fear of falling.”
An Italian doctor later noticed strange behavior in some of the tourists
who visited Florence. They felt dizzy and confused when they looked at great
artwork. Also, they experienced panic attacks that would last for a few days.
The doctor named the syndrome after Stendhal.
5.5 Fisherman
One afternoon, a businessman was sitting on a beach. He saw a fisherman
and asked, “How long did it take you to catch these fish?”
The businessman was surprised. “Then why don’t you stay longer and catch even more fish?”
“This is all I need for my family,”
the fisherman said.
Then the businessman asked, “How do you spend the rest
of your day?”
“I go home to rest and spend time with my family. Then in
the evening, I hang out with my friends.” the fisherman
So, the businessman gave him some advice: “If you
want to become a successful businessman like me, you should start staying out
longer at sea. That way, you can catch more fish to sell, save money, and then
buy a bigger boat. After a few successful years, you can move to the city and
manage your business from there.”
“And then what would I do?” asked the
“You make enough money to buy a big house and live like a
king.” the businessman replied.
“And then what?” asked the fisherman.
“After that, you can retire and spend time with your
family at home. In the evenings, you can hang out with your friends.”
The fisherman was confused, “Isn’t
that what I do now?”
5.4 Strange Farts
The doctor looked serious, and frowned at her. “Here
are some pills. Take these pills twice a day for one week, and then come see me
again,” said the doctor.
The next week the old woman came back, but this time she was really upset.
“Doctor!”she said. “What
was in those pills? They made my problem worse! I’m still
farting all the time, but now my farts smell terrible!”
The doctor said “Calm down. You’re
actually much better.” The old woman shouted, “What? That’s impossible!”
The doctor replied, “I fixed your nose. Now I need to fix your
5.3 Easter egg Hunt
5.2 Rolls Royce
5.1 Pennsylvania’s Duquesne University
4.5 Plastic Bills
For one thing, plastic money is more durable. Paper money generally lasts
for 18 to 24 months. But plastic money lasts four times longer. Besides being
harder to tear, it’s also waterproof! Another benefit is
that plastic money is hard to counterfeit. Each Australian bill has a
transparent window, which is nearly impossible to copy. Another safety feature
is an image of the country’s symbol that can only be seen
when held up to the light. Perhaps most importantly, Australia’s
plastic money is environmentally friendly. When it is no longer usable, it can
be recycled. The government takes old bills, melts them down, and uses them to
make plastic garbage cans. Soon other countries may follow Australia’s example and also start making plastic money.
4.4 SNS (Social Network Services)
Social Networking Services (SNS) like Twitter, Cyworld and Facebook have become
very trendy in the last few years. But SNS can also give people stress. When do you
feel affected in this way?
Yoobin: My problem is the opposite. I don’t have a lot of
friends on Cyworld or Facebook. I feel very sad that when people visit my site
and see this, they think I’m unpopular.
Chris: I hate the way other people expect me to constantly stay in touch. For
someone like me, who hardly uses SNS, that is annoying. A friend of mine gets
upset because I rarely leave messages on her wall or reply to her comments.
Dan: I think I’m addicted to Facebook —
I’m constantly on there. I feel like if I go offline, I’ll miss the latest news. Sometimes I waste so much time that I
can’t even get my homework finished.
4.3 Ugg Boots
Ugg boots are popular with women all around the world. This brand is such
a hit that it is worth nearly $1 billion a year.
10 years later, a US manufacturer saw some promise in the boots and bought
the rights. In return, Stedman got some free boots each year and just enough
money to pay for his children’s education. But, nowadays,
the shoes sell for around $200 a pair!
Nevertheless, Stedman is not angry about it. In fact, he still wears the
boots most days: “I’m not upset. I’m proud that my invention is so popular and it has become an Australian
4.2 Sardines
This situation is usually called the “catfish effect.” It can also be applied to many other To
avoid the bigger fish, the sardines had to keep
swimming around and around. fields. In sports, for example,
coaches know that bringing a new, talented player onto a team makes the other
players better. This is because they start trying harder to avoid losing their
position on the team. And in economics, companies without any competition often
become lazy and nonreactive When strong competitors enter the market, however, they
respond by becoming more dynamic. This makes the entire economy stronger. In short,
the pressure from opponents can make people and businesses work harder.
4.1 Father Childcare Qualification Exam

The test has 50 questions on how to care for children up to age 6. Topics
include pregnancy, infant vaccinations, nutrition, and even popular cartoon
characters. Each test taker will receive a certificate with his exam results,
but the purpose is to get men interested in childcare, not to give grades.
In Japan, people are realizing that fathers need to help raise their
children. This is partly because more mothers have jobs. But there is another
reason /— fathers have started focusing more on their
families instead of only on their jobs. It’s another
example of how Japanese society is changing in the modern world.
3.5 Alarm Clocks
Do you have a hard time waking up in the morning?
Here are some items that can help you out.
(B) Here’s an alarm clock designed to wake up even
the deepest sleepers. The Dumbbell Alarm works like any other alarm clock. But
when you want to turn it off, you can’t just press a
button. You have to lift it 30 times, like a weightlifter.
(C) Here’s another alarm clock that wakes you up
without any noise. The Quiet Alarm comes with a special ring. Put it on your
finger before you go to bed; when it’s time to wake up,
the ring will vibrate. To turn it off, you have to shake your hand back and
(D) The Rug Alarm makes sure you get out of bed in the morning. The clock
looks like a small rug. In order to turn it off, you have to stand on it.
Unless it feels your full weight on it, it will keep ringing and ringing.
3.4 Popeye's spinach
In 1870, a German doctor said that spinach had lots of iron, even more
than red meat. But he had made a mathematical mistake, and put a decimal point
in the wrong place. This made spinach seem ten times richer in iron than it
really is. In 1937 someone finally corrected this mistake. But Popeye couldn’t stop. By then he had been eating spinach for ten years!
Spinach doesn’t really have more iron than other
green vegetables, like broccoli for example. And actually the iron in spinach
is a little difficult to digest. Although spinach is healthy, since it has lots
of Vitamin C, it’s not the best food for building big
3.3 Food Handling
Useful Tips for Food Handling
This is worth reading whether you cook or not.
if I put too much salt in my soup?
Don’t add water, this will only make the soup taste bad. You can
add some cooked potatoes for a few minutes. They will absorb all the salt; then
take them out.
can I make kiwi fruit get ripe faster?
Put them in a plastic bag with an apple, a pear, or a banana. These fruits
will release ethylene gases that cause kiwis to get ripe.
can I keep my biscuits crispy?
Usually we store biscuits in a box, and they often get soggy. Adding a few
sugar cubes or some salt will work magic. They will absorb moisture and keep
the biscuits crispy and delicious.
can I do to keep my soda pop from going flat?
No one likes soda pop without the bubbles! Turn the bottle upside down.
The bubbles always go to the top, and that way they can’t
get out.
can I make watermelon taste sweet?
This may sound strange, but you can put a little salt on it. The salty
taste will make the sweet taste stronger. But only add a little!
3.2 Kopi Luwak
Would you pay for cat poo? It may sound strange, but there are people who
will pay $50 for a cup of cat poo.
So, how does it taste? It tastes like chocolate with caramel and has no
sour taste. Now, would you like to have a cup of cat poo coffee?
3.1 Odd Colored Eyes
Sometimes animals are born with two different colored eyes. These eyes are
called “odd eyes.” Odd eyes can occur when animals inherit a different eye color from each parent.
In cats and dogs, odd eyes are most common among Turkish Angoras and Siberian
Huskies. Many people like to own odd-eyed pets because they seem more mysterious
and charming.
It is quite rare for human beings to be odd-eyed. Actress Kate Bosworth is
one of these rare people. She has one brown eye and one blue eye. Odd-eyed
people are even rarer among Asians, since the parents on both sides almost
always have dark-colored eyes. Still, don’t be surprised
if you happen to see an odd-eyed person on the street someday.
2.5 Kishi Station
Most train stations are run by a station master. But Kishi Station in
Japan has a very special station master. All of the
passengers love her. In fact, she might be the most popular station master in
the entire country. But when people ask her questions, she always gives the
same answer: “Meow!”
Tama’s job is pretty simple. She walks around the
station in her special railway cap. She greets passengers and poses for photos
for tourists. Since Tama became station master, the station’s
number of passengers rose by more than 50,000 in a year. Because of this, Tama
became an executive officer of the railroad company in 2009.
Tama is paid with cat food, and she can keep her job for the rest of her
life. But if you want to meet her, don’t come on a Sunday.
Tama works from 9 to 5 the rest of the week, but she takes Sundays off!
2.4 Chopsticks
China, Japan, and Korea are quite different, but they do have something in
common — they all eat with chopsticks! However, all three
countries have different styles of chopsticks because of different meal traditions.
Japanese chopsticks are a bit shorter than Chinese chopsticks because
Japanese people raise their bowls up to their mouths while eating. They are
usually made of lacquered wood and they are ointed at the end. There is lots of fish in
Japanese food and the pointed ends help to separate the fish bones.
What about in Korea? Korean chopsticks are different from other types of
chopsticks. They are medium length and made of metal. Koreans usually move
their arms a lot when they eat, so medium length chopsticks are best. Then, why
metal? It’s because many Korean meals include soup. Using
metal chopsticks is considered cleaner than using wooden chopsticks.
2.3 Dia Los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
There is a special time in Mexico from November 1st to November 2nd: Day
of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos.
It is believed that dead spirits can return home only once a year during
this holiday. So all of these celebrations are held to encourage them on their
way with a joyful atmosphere.
2.2 Kawi, Bawi, Bo
In Korea, we play a game called Kawi, Bawi, Bo. Children, and even adults,
play it to decide who gets the first turn. The same
game is played almost everywhere in the world, with some differences. I found
out something interesting about this game in Indonesia. My Indonesian friend told
me how it is played in her country.Showing a closed hand with a thumb up is “elephant.”
Showing an index finger is “person.”
Since the elephant is big and strong, it beats the person. The person
beats the much smaller ant. However, the ant beats the much bigger elephant.
Why? When an ant gets into an elephant’s ear, the feeling
bothers the elephant so much that it goes crazy and there’s
nothing that the elephant can do about it!
2.1 Dubai
They invented a type of air conditioning without electricity: the wind
tower. A wind tower stands tall above a house. It catches the wind and moves it
inside. The air is cooled down by meeting with cold water in the building. This
air cools the inside of the building. The buildings are made of thick walls and
have small windows; these help keep cool air in and heat out. Most houses are
built very close together with high walls and ceilings. This also helps create
more shade and reduce heat.
Modern buildings in Dubai are air conditioned and no longer use wind
towers for cooling. However, they still remain in Dubai as an important
architectural symbol.
1.5 Sports: Uniform Numbers
The first professional sports team to retire a number was the Toronto
Maple Leafs, a Canadian hockey team. They retired Ace Bailey’s
number six in 1934, in honor of his achievements as a player. In 1997, Jackie
Robinson, the first African American player in Major League Baseball, received
a very special honor. His number 42 was retired on every MLB team! Players who
were wearing that number were allowed to keep it. As of the 2011 season, only
one player still wears the number — Mariano Rivera, a
pitcher for the New York Yankees. But in the future, no new MLB players will
ever wear number 42 again.
And in another interesting case, the University of Michigan football team
retired number 48 in honor of a player named Gerald Ford. But they did so
because of his accomplishment after he graduated. Why? Ford became the 38th
president of the United States!
1.4 Nora Lee
Interview with
Stuntwoman Nora Lee

MM: How did you get started?
Nora: At first, I took part-time jobs on movie sets to gain experience. I was
very interested in the stunts, so I learned martial arts. And I kept telling
people I wanted to be a stuntwoman. Eventually, I was given a chance.
MM: How do directors choose the stunt people for their movies?
Nora: If the job requires a skill, such as martial arts, there’s
usually an audition. But if the job only involves general stunts like falling
down or jumping out of a car, they just choose someone who looks like the actor
or actress.
MM: Do stunt people often get hurt while filming a movie?
Nora: Yes! And it’s worse for stuntwomen, because we
often have to wear tight shirts or short skirts. It’s
impossible to hide protective pads easily under those kinds of clothes!
MM: Tell me about Kung Fu Warrior.
Nora: The fighting style in
this movie is totally new. We combined various martial arts all around the
world. I truly believe it will be an epic blockbuster. I’m
sure people will love it.
1.3 K-pop
(American teenager): I’m American, but I love listening to K-pop. It has a
stronger rhythm than American pop, so it’s easier to dance to.
critic: K-pop has catchy tunes that have international appeal.
People everywhere can enjoy listening to this kind of music. Also, many K-pop singers
have well-trained and amazing voices.
industry insider: The Internet has played a large role in the popularity of
K-pop. YouTube and social networking sites have helped K-pop stars reach fans
K-pop continues to gain new fans every day. As time goes on, we can expect to see
more K-pop stars on the world stage. I’m Maria Kang, and this is Asian Music
1.2 The Olympics
1.1 To Be A Star
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